Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Two Days Workshop on Equity Derivatives Market in Noida

Intelivisto is conducting a 2 days workshop on EQUITY DERIVATIVES MARKET on 9th & 10th June in NOIDA

Learning Objectives
The aim of the program is to help participants acquire in-depth knowledge of derivatives market and pursue a career in financial services. The program lays emphasis on the theoretical and practical concepts of rapidly growing complex world of Futures and Options in Financial Markets. It will be conducted by professionals with many years of experience in the derivatives markets and financial domain. The insight will help participants to understand derivatives from an analytical point of view and to develop and understand complex derivative strategies with ease.

Who Should Attend?

  • NISM Certification aspirants
  • Students pursuing a career in finance
  • Front and back office personals of broking firms
  • Finance professionals
  • Corporate hedgers
  • Risk managers

Registration Fees
Fees: Rs 4500/- (Inclusive of meals+ refreshments+ study material)

How to Register
To REGISTER simply write to us at trainings@intelivisto.com . You can register online as well by visiting our website www.intelivisto.com.

To download the e-brochure, click on http://www.intelivisto.com/upload/workshop/TGS_brochure_capitalMarket_PDF.pdf 

To avail an early bird discount of 20% or bulk discount call us at +91-9582000102 before 6th June 2012.